Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Flying the good times - 1

For me, these days, air travel is like going to the dentist — something to be endured.

Flights are always delayed by atleast an hour, and reasons galore. So I was actually surprised when my flight was announced as on-time, during check-in. I delayed the security check. I was optimistic. The flight WILL be delayed. But NO. It was ON-TIME.

So then, I had to rush and run, and was probably the last passenger to reach the boarding gate. The ground crew, checked my boarding passes, and mumbled something. I looked ahead, and saw a shuttle-bus, waiting, engine running, about to close doors. I run inside.(Actually, it was one of the two shuttles that was waiting by the boarding-gate.) As soon as I got in, the door closed behind me, with a rude bang.

And then, my fear started... Did in get in the wrong bus? Flustered, I start scanning the baggage tag, of my co-passengers. The first guy had numerous tags (from the time he started flying I guess:) so confusing). I leave him, and look at the next person's bag-tag. Yes, she has a "My Same Carrier" tag. A sigh of relief!

By this time, my shuttle-bus has reached almost the middle of the runway. And lo! I see two "My Same" flights before me, and I recall that they announced two flights of the "Same Carrier", one departing for another destination, 30 min after my flight takes off. Oh, wat if??

I curse myself, for fooling around till the lat minute. The shuttle-bus reached its destination. And thank god, I reached the correct aircraft.(that was my belief at this point). I board the aircraft and wait for the flight to take off. But NO, it is not!

My doubts resurface. Did I after all get into the wrong flight? (Remember the other flight, leaves 30 min after my flight takes-off.) Did those people who verified my boarding passes, fail to see, I was boarding the wrong flight?...

to be continued

1 comment:

bonz said...

Can't wait for the second part ;-) And do write about your new friend.iyn40207