Thursday, May 22, 2008

TVs come, TVs go

So then we proudly bring home the new member of our family. But after shelling out so much money, we are not even remotely close to happiness.

Background: It was in the summer of '95 that our Sony came in. The first thing we did was saying Sayonara to our 10 year old Dynora. Anyways, he took the pride of place, and with the advent of cable channels and serials, regaled to a prime position in the house. Days, months, years and decade passed, but our Sony was still "the new TV". The 'It's a Sony' sticker was never peeled off. I still wonder, how and why none of us did that. Usually, these are the first things to go. Sony was good. Dynora, just had 12 channels, and Sony had 99. It had a remote, and that became a bone of contention. We were very happy with him, but slowly he developed a sore throat. Later he started coughing. After a few days, it got so worse, that he had no sound. We were wondering whether to take him to hospital, when we found that a sound slap at his back, brought his sound back. After a couple of months, he started losing his picture. We realised he was dying, and talked of selling him off. And then Sony started improving. He was a combination of perfect picture and sound. So we shelved all our plans of getting another TV, and went along happily with him. But poor guy; age caught up with him, so much so that, he finally had to go...

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