Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tall, black n handsome

It was when he pulled by her side that she noticed - a tall, dark and handsome fella. Even before she could have a second glance, he winked at her, and moved ahead. He was sure sleek and powerful, and proudly carried the name “Honda CRV”, and she had already resigned with a sigh to the fact that she would never see his handsome face again. After all, with his speed, it won’t be two minutes before he turns to a speck near the horizon. She tried visualizing it, a perfect shape against the backdrop of the setting sun.
She could see the distance increasing between him and her, but felt helpless. Could do nothing to reduce it. After all she was just an Alto. But lo…she was now catching up to him, and he turned slightly to the left, and winked his left eye. Seemed like, he was lowering speed, slowing down, and asking her to catch up, or was she accelerating in her eagerness to be with him? She checked her speed dials to be sure. NO. The guy was slowing down for sure, and a vroooming question loomed large between them.
He: Heyy, are u in the game?
She: Let’s go
And then she floored the pedal, and could almost feel the fuel running through veins, as she surged forward. He was still ahead, and accelerating; the distance between them increasing. She was doubtful if she could catch up, whether the chase was futile, whether she was being fooled; but he was encouraging, slowing, then and now, encouraging and prodding her on, but never giving her space to overtake.
She kind of felt, he was testing her limits, trying to bring the best out of her. That instilled greater faith and confidence in her, and with a sudden leap of faith, she surged forward, overtaking him in the process. She turned round, and blinked both eyes, before going further. And thought she saw a hint of radiance cross his lips. His feelings- she did not know, but she knew for sure, she had her first crush, for him - a Black Honda CRV with a silver lining. And as she raced on to the road ahead, towards the horizon, she hoped that she might cross paths with him again; someday.

Copyright © 2008 Lakshmi R.S. All rights reserved


Unknown said...

Hmmm... romance at a different level.good. "fuel running through veins.." i liked that.keep on writing .

lakshmi said...

@manjith :)