Monday, March 31, 2008

How my blog got its name

Blog, blog, blog…it has been a while since I have been hearing of it. But it never struck me that I could have one. For me, blog meant some sort of a online diary, or something to do with citizen journalism, and never in my wildest dreams did I think of having one on my own. But though I never prided on my writing ability/ documentation skills, I have a friend who thinks, or least thought I wrote/narrate well, considering the fact that I mail all the little happenings here to the other end of the globe, where he sits. Guess, he got tired of me trying my writing skills on him, that he suggested the blog idea. It took me many months more, until I got down to actual blogging. So the first decision was to choose a blogging site. It was very easy. Just googled blog, and blogger came up. Then I needed a name for my blogger. Now since I may not change my blog frequently, I needed a proper blog name. But I didn’t want it to be lakshmi’s blog, or lakshmi says or something similar. I wanted it to have some romaticisim, nostalgia, symbolism to it. No sooner that I thought in those lines, than the title Sans Frontières flashed in my mind’s eye. Sans Frontières is the French for without boundaries. It was the name of French text I studied, and brought in the romanticism of French, and nostalgia of bygone days. And yes, as the name suggests, I intend this to be a platform, where thoughts, ideas and words flow sans frontiers. I'm glad to have started this and let’s see where it goes…

Copyright © 2008 Lakshmi R.S. All rights reserved

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