Monday, March 17, 2008

Environment rides with technology

I enter the bypass road, cutting across the busy intersection. Rain started coming in torrents suddenly, and I could hardly see the road 10 m away. Since the windshield was quite dusty, I decide to clean the glass with the wiper fluid, before switching on the wiper. I press the lever to spurt the cleaning liquid on to the front glass, when I see a teeny weeny lizard on the glass. Poor thing, was jumping around, as the wiper lashed to and fro. I felt, I would be responsible for its death, if my wiper was on for another minute. So I put off the wiper, and he jumped on the wiper, and clinged to it. With the rain falling in torrents, I could drive with great difficulty. I had my parking lights and my hazard signal on. The visibly was very low, but somehow I didn’t have the heart to put on the wiper. I drove thus to technopark, and pulled into the parking lot. Parked my car, and turned to walk towards the building, when I was reminded of the baby lizard. How will it find its way and food in this concrete mass? I walked back and took a twig, with a single leaf, and he jumped onto the leaf. I took 4-5 steps, and left him in the nearby bush. As it hopped off, I felt so much happy and relived :-)