Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yeah this happened!

It was late into the evening, when we got out of office. I didnt have my car with me, and and my friend offered me a ride in her car. She even lured me with the offer of dropping me at my doorstep. We walk towards the dim-lit carpark, and i find the back door of the car, is not closed properly. Fearing that some thief might have broke into her car, i alert her to it, when she says, "An incident happened in the morning, Get into the car, and I will tell u the story". Meanwhile we unlock doors. As usual she puts her bags, and umbrellas into the back seat and gets in. I too make myself comfortable in the back seat, and start fumbling with the seat belt. Suddenly she puts the inside light of the car, and casually looks around, and underneath. I ask her, if she has lost something. She replies in negative, fastens the seat belt and puts off the light. Then she turns the ignition on , and pulls the car in reverse from the parking slot. As we finally drive out of the car park, I ask her, "So? U were telling me about the morning incident. What happened". The ball is in her court now. She takes a deep breath, and says, "I was waiting in the junction, to turn to the bypass road, and checking for the traffic from both sides, when i see a really huge spider. " I am like "Spider?", not sure if i had heard right. "Yes a big, ugly spider, as big as my palm, sitting on the dashboard, right in front of the steering wheel. It must be somewhere inside the car. That was what i was checking. but i cant find it." No response from my side. I had almost frozen to death. here i am in a small car, riding with a spider. Yeeks, the very thought gave me a shudder. "It is of the same colour as the upholstery, some wheatish brown", as if i found some pleasure in knowing the colour was very Asian. Come on, as long as it was a spider, a hairy eight legged species, i despised so much, i didnt care if it was american, or african or british. I didnt care if it was a black widow, or still married. I wasn't interested in the details, which she was going on furnishing. It was a SPIDER, and it was travelling with me! My sole aim, was to reach home as fast as possible, and get out of the car, and my fellow 8 legged car-mate. I unfastened, my seat belt, and told my driver cum 2 legged fellow passenger of my fears and worries, when she reassured me saying,"We havent yet seen the protagonist, na? It might have gone out, in the daytime for all u know?". That laid my fears to rest, atleast superficially. I started enjoy the night ride, indulging in a bit of side seat driving, when we reached and intersection. We had to take a right turn, from the intersection, and we stopped to wait for the signal. As soon as the signal turns green, I see somebody, runnning towards us from the front end of the car. I get a very creepy feeling (somewhat similar to what was shown in "The mummy returns" movie, where the bugs, move under the human flesh). I alert my friend to the spider, and asks her to roll up her window, so that it wouldnot come inside. It runs over the bonnet, crosses the wiper, and climbs over the front windshield, and passes right over our face (yeah, big relief, the glass shield was there, but didnt decrease the creepy feeling) to the roof of the car. We proceed onwards, and reach my home. Now comes, the most difficult part. I have to get out of the car. For that, i have to open the door. Now, I know, my nemesis in on the roof of the car. My mind goes hyper. I imagine, what if it jumps on to my head, as i get out, and bite me. Shudder! But then there isn't any option. So summoning all my courage, yeah i needed a minute or two to gather myself, i open the door, and stepped out; rather jumped out of the car. I moved a little bit away, and closed the door, all the while, wary, if my predetor slipped in. But NO! he didnt. Neither was he in the roof, where i expected to see to see him. I closed the door, and the car pulled away from from. I turn around, to walk towards my home, but then , turn around, to look at the car, one last time, wondering where the protagonist is. And lo!, i find him in the roof of the car, towards the back end, crouching low, as if ready to jump, any moment...My eyes are glued to his eyes, as the car pulls away, with the eight-legged trouble on its roof...;-)

1 comment:

bonz said...

Maybe it was spiderman !!!!