Monday, June 16, 2008

Flying the goodtimes - 2

As soon as I got my seat, I started window gazing, that I didnt quite notice, that my fellow passanger was a huge person. He occupied the entire area, and looked very unfriendly. But what to do? I had to confirm, if I was on the right flight. So I very meekly, wonder if my voice was squeaky, but I think, I appeared very confident, asked the crew. "Excuse me, what happened?". Of course that wasn't what I wanted to ask. But thats all what came out of my mouth. And it was another Brit-looking guy who answered. "Madam, I am afraid, we have a technical snag". Saying that he went off, towards the cockpit. And lo, there comes and announcement. "We are sorry. One of our accumulators have drained off completely. we have not enough charge to make the take-off.etc ...etc...".
But I am relieved. Double joy. I am on the RIGHT flight, and the flight is DELAYED. See, I know'em all. They say, it will take off in half-an-hour. Half-an-hour passes. The other flight takes off.
We have been recharged, but we are waiting for clearance from ATC for take-off. Once u get delayed, u are sidelined, and in a busy airport, as Bengaluru, u are sidelined, big time.
Finally, take-off is announced. Seat belt sign flashes. Our plane starts moving. I am at my window, peering outside, through the small drizzle. I see another huge jet (mine is an ATR)approaching at right angles, towards my aircraft's path. After sometime it drove into our path, and because I couldnt see it crossing, I assumed that it drove right in front of us, with us tailgating. It must have taken-off, and we would have followed it.
The remaining journey was pretty uneventful. The night was cloudy, and it was raining heavily. I could see the rain, and could also see the topography changing. The aircraft was flying very low. The captain was very chatty and was rattling off like a tour guide, to the extent of trying to make us distinguish between the aircraft's light and lightning. The food was delicious, the dessert mouth-watering, and service very friendly. Yup, we were delayed by almost an hour, but I had a good time:-)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Flying the good times - 1

For me, these days, air travel is like going to the dentist — something to be endured.

Flights are always delayed by atleast an hour, and reasons galore. So I was actually surprised when my flight was announced as on-time, during check-in. I delayed the security check. I was optimistic. The flight WILL be delayed. But NO. It was ON-TIME.

So then, I had to rush and run, and was probably the last passenger to reach the boarding gate. The ground crew, checked my boarding passes, and mumbled something. I looked ahead, and saw a shuttle-bus, waiting, engine running, about to close doors. I run inside.(Actually, it was one of the two shuttles that was waiting by the boarding-gate.) As soon as I got in, the door closed behind me, with a rude bang.

And then, my fear started... Did in get in the wrong bus? Flustered, I start scanning the baggage tag, of my co-passengers. The first guy had numerous tags (from the time he started flying I guess:) so confusing). I leave him, and look at the next person's bag-tag. Yes, she has a "My Same Carrier" tag. A sigh of relief!

By this time, my shuttle-bus has reached almost the middle of the runway. And lo! I see two "My Same" flights before me, and I recall that they announced two flights of the "Same Carrier", one departing for another destination, 30 min after my flight takes off. Oh, wat if??

I curse myself, for fooling around till the lat minute. The shuttle-bus reached its destination. And thank god, I reached the correct aircraft.(that was my belief at this point). I board the aircraft and wait for the flight to take off. But NO, it is not!

My doubts resurface. Did I after all get into the wrong flight? (Remember the other flight, leaves 30 min after my flight takes-off.) Did those people who verified my boarding passes, fail to see, I was boarding the wrong flight?...

to be continued